CEMUX A-BOX 84mm X 350mm High Double Wall Drawer System

$29.00 (ex GST)


  1. Perfect sliding qualities with precision full extension runners incorporating silent & gradual closing
  2. Colour – White
  3. Quick installation and easy dismantling
    1. Perfect sliding qualities with precision full extension runners incorporating silent & gradual closing
    2. Colour – White
    3. Quick installation and easy dismantling
    4. +/- 2mm up & down adjustment
    5. +/- 1.5mm left & right adjustment
    6. Integrated 3D front panel adjustment
    7. 40Kg dynamic loading capacity and 100,000 cycles tested.


Height 84mm
11.A3201.350Soft Close Drawer System 350mm – White1 Set

One Package contains

1.       Left / Right drawer runners
2.       Left / Right 84mmmm high drawer sides
3.       Left / Right rear brackets
4.       Left / Right front fixing brackets with dowels
5.       Installation instructions

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